• I was enjoying my freedom
    My time without you so close to me
    Months have passed since you harmed me
    And I have taken a lover for a brief time

    On the night I decide to lay alone in my bed
    You come for me
    You apologize and say you should have believed me
    That a blind man could see

    Even as I wish to cast you out of my sight I listen
    Listen to an apology that seem so heartfelt
    I soften for a moment
    While in this moment you decide to kiss me

    I push away I cannot do this
    I throw in your face
    The fact that I did take the man from my past as a lover
    You pause for a moment and the arguing starts once more

    For me an argument is better than letting my heart feel
    It will only make me feel worse than your apology
    I don't know what truly lies in my heart
    I am now torn between the love I once knew and the freedom I have chosen.