• On top of the highest green hill
    My messy hair scattered in the grass
    My blue eyes faulter upon the white clouds
    Their swift movement catches my eyes
    The blue sky clear as ever
    And the wind as crisp too...
    Next to me
    The suns rays shine down
    Positioning themselves in one spot
    Lieing upon his soft, brown hair
    The swift breeze clears my head of him
    Those thougths that throw me into chaos
    My heart thumps loudly
    For this green eyed boy
    Innocent and unaware of the dirty feelings I habor
    The small smile across his sleeping face tosses me into turmoil
    The resistance to hold my feelings in slowly disapears
    My small hands wrap around his face
    My body coming closer to his
    Even though my head is telling me to stop
    My hearts rapidly speeds up
    My lips quiver for a second knowing what comes next
    They touch for what it seemed like forever
    Then part feeling like it happened forever ago
    I miss those lips but my head comes back into control
    My face turns a dark shade of pink
    My body tilts back to the grass
    My head back in commotion but the tingiling feeling on my lips are still there
    Now laying on the soft grass my eyes closed reliving what had happened just seconds ago
    As i wonder back to sleep i feel the motion of my lips touching anothers
    Am i still dreaming?
    As my eyes open i see a light figure hovering over me
    It was him the green eyed boy kissing me
    I pop up from the sudden surprise but he just breaks out into a beautiful smile
    This is the man i love...I told myself
    And he...
    loves me too!