• What is freedom?
    Is a leaf free, when it falls from the tree?
    The wind blowing it back and forth, north to south, east to west,
    Landing every now and then for a little bit of rest, until it reaches the day
    Until The Power of destruction finds its way to it, then it starts to decay, and fade away from existence, Because we always meet some kind of resistance, Can we withstand the force? long enough for everything to run its course?? Can we fight back? if we can find the source...
    What is freedom?
    Is a man really free? When he is forced to do something he doesnt want to do? When his dreams dissappear from his view, and he has to accept fate, before its too late? Because at this rate, He only has a few more years until its checkmate...
    What is being free? when u can not see the truth...when u can not see the proof, that you to, have a choice...that you to, have a voice...To decide the way u live, Usually its when your eyes are moist, and you have fallen off the trail, that u realize that with fail comes success and with freedom comes captivity, and with a lose comes victory, so thus where there is one there is a oppisite....So whether u are given the choice or not....sometimes u have to take it....in order to make it into a reality and to make a dream come true...