• whos in the bunker whos in a bunker
    women and children first and the children first
    I will laugh until my head comes off
    swallow until I burst
    whos in the bunker, whos in a bunker
    I have seen too much
    I havent seen enough
    I havent seen it
    laugh until my head comes off
    and the children first
    here I am alive, everything all the time
    Ice age coming ice age coming
    let me hear both sides, let me hear both sides
    throw it in the fire, throw it in the fire,
    we're not scaremongering
    this is really happening
    mobiles working, squirming
    mobiles chirping
    here I am alive everything all the time
    and the children first
    saturn suprises
    arrest this girl her hitler hairdo is making me feel ill
    arrest this man he talks in maths
    he buzzes like a fridge he is like a detuned radio
    I have had enough the children go first
    it will never return it
    sealed in like a pig
    on antibiotics