• We are coming to a time in which we are the sum of our parts
    Become more like a machine without a human heart
    With immortality becoming a common goal for the rich
    While the poor get poorer and are stuck in the ditch,
    Waiting to have their time to shine in the sky like stars
    Even when these goals seem to be herculean and far.

    It is coming close to the time which computers predict our moves
    And will eventually foresee that the human race will lose
    But in retrospective, the machines are never right
    When it comes to the human race to survive in a fight.

    The indigo programs may gain a conscious mind
    With many hoping it would falter and die
    “Cogito egro sum” – It would declare to prove its ghost
    Only to live in a computer as it’s only acceptable host.

    This is the time in which a girl can fight with equal valor
    Yet, even in the future, they would have to deal with past squalor
    About how a woman should not be able to fight;
    Instead, they may end up at the end point of a knife.

    This future will be forced to have an opiate for the masses
    The only question is “Which will work the fastest?”
    What would keep them from gaining their will?
    And what can come in the form of a capsule or pill?

    The rich gain immortality through the manipulation of the flesh
    However, this may not be agreeable for the rest;
    Instead, they may become one with the machine.
    Can you have the body of metal and polyethylene?
    And keep the heart, will, and soul of a human being?
    The answer is yes; the physical aspect is the material meaning.

    For we are not the sum of our parts
    Even if they are monochromatic and dark.