• I keep recurring the same haunting scenes in my nightmare

    and i asked the shadows surrounding my mind

    "How does it feel to see me crying in the sunshine"?

    "How does it feel to see me crying in the rain"?

    "How does it feel to laugh when i cry"?

    I awake dripping, my eyes are wet and red

    I am alone with all my tears and sorrows

    i avoid sleep like the sun avoids the moon

    the early morning coffee has no effect

    it can not swallow my creeping sleep

    my hunger can not be satisfied

    as i begin another bad and blue day

    how did i become the villian? the lost?

    when shall the rain stop barraging itself onto me?

    my heart grows colder, and the rivers grows larger

    cursed flames of eternal bad luck poison everything i attempt

    when will the lights of hope shine once again?

    i have once achieved so much

    and now i feel so poor, poor of depth, robbed of success

    i hear what they say but i do not understand

    as they attempt to comprehend what i explain but do not achieve

    my mind keeps spinning me around another fright night

    i walk upon the lonely street of shattered dreams

    i sing the melody of the broken lonely wolf