• I cannot understand why I think this way.
    Why I question my existence from day to day.
    I wonder about this and I wonder about that,
    I wonder why I consider myself fat.

    I have no confidence in anything I do,
    I believe my failure is all too true.
    When I look at my reflection in a mirror,
    I see my old features getting nearer.

    When my friends are gathered together it's a riot,
    But I am always the one who ends up being quiet.
    I prefer fantasy over my reality,
    I can't even decide what I wish to be.

    I have numerous awards upon my wall,
    But participation award is the majority of them all.
    I am very familiar with my procrastination,
    It's even difficult to control my concentration.

    I dream of being a modest superior to all,
    But I know my destiny is only to fall.
    I do not know if I am as bad as I say,
    But I cannot understand why I think this way.