• My emotions should be like a silver pond
    At times of joy
    Calm waters, calm sailings, calm seas
    Within the trials and tribulations

    My pool of tears
    Sending ripples thru the water
    Creating dangerous currnets
    Waves of many things

    Waves of emotions
    It smells of flowers and fresh plains of land
    It smells of love and pulses like the blood in veins
    It smells of life

    Waves of emotions
    It smells of blood, hard cold iron that is yet hot to the touch
    It smells of sweat and fear that eats the soul
    It smells of death

    They flush throu my body
    The surging energy
    That powerful flow
    That one ripple

    That one ripple

    Then its gone
    Its quiet
    Its all back to normal
    Its back to still waters