• I stand here
    For years and years.
    I separate you from the other class.
    I keep you away from the bully in ISS.
    Its my job.
    I don't mind
    If you don't want to say thanks.
    I don't care
    If you don't want to say hi.
    I only wish
    Someone would be there
    To be with me
    So I don't feel lonely.
    I feel ignored
    and no one is there
    But me, the wall.

    There she was.
    She stood out.
    She looked at me
    and saw herself.
    I saw her
    and felt bad.
    I was meant to feel the pain;
    the pain of loneliness.
    She wasn't.
    She was smart, and good.
    She didn't need to feel it
    But she did
    So she stood there.
    I wasn't alone.
    My pain left
    But hers didn't.
    She looked at me
    and began to cry.
    I can't feel her pain;
    I'm just a wall.