• feeling every drop pouring down on my cheeks.
    but sometimes i feel nothing at all.
    no emotion, no pain, no hatred, no happines,
    im all empty inside.
    im on a non emotional roller coaster ride.
    it keeps going and going until the end of our lives.
    standing out in the cold.
    i feel nothing ,
    i am nothing.
    i have no life,
    i have no soul.
    my soul has been lost into my world of thoughts
    or its been swallowed up by nothing slowly taking over my body.
    creeping up and growing, growing, and just growing,
    i have no name , i am nothing just like my lost soul.
    as i stand here so damp and wet,
    my friends are moving away from me.
    my life and love are going and dissapearing.
    then ....
    my whole life changed after seeing this one, 2, 3 4.. as many ppl apearing again..
    they're coming back to me,
    my soul is finding a way back to my body,
    all of this changed after seeing this one person. one person who has been long lost in my heart and was now showing up . coming toward me.
    now it is ur turn to find out who was this person so dear to my life that had completley changed it.. i will reveal the answers soon or a few weeks but u must guess. i dont even know whothis person is thats why u should help me . a test in seeing how much u undserstand my life..