• And at last
    The sun falls
    Leaving slowly, never fast
    Time then drags to a crawl

    It cast the final glow
    A moment’s flicker
    It puts on the final show
    That cannot be even copied by the best mimicker

    A quickened beat
    A simple tune
    You’ll wait at the edge of the seat
    Before you welcome the moon

    Another flash of light
    A burst of fiery red
    You awe at the amazing sight
    Before the colors begin to shed

    A quick struggle
    Against the invisible hands
    You strain your eyes to see the disappearing rubble
    But everything vanishes before you can

    You gasp at the last blow
    The sun’s fierce end
    Suddenly, everything is no longer slow
    The night and day are a crimson blend

    And at last
    The moon is out
    It shines mockingly at what has past
    Yet, you’re pretty sure it has a little pout