• It sounds stupid,
    This consistent rhyming.
    But that’s how you make me feel,
    Like I have the wrong timing.
    Off the beaten track,
    Stumbling on the road,
    I lost the key to life
    And I don’t know the code.
    I’m fumbling for words,
    My stomach flips and quivers.
    Now my heart is gone,
    Dead in a fit of shivers.
    But it’s not cold at all,
    No, it’s warm in here.
    My cheeks flame and flush
    At your heartless jeer.

    You turned away
    And it grew so cold,
    In a game of poker,
    My soul would fold.
    But I stayed in the game,
    Thinking I might win,
    Stupid, stupid girl,
    You’re swimming in his sin.
    In a pool full of ice
    You’re stuck in the middle,
    Now your shame
    Doesn’t seem so little.
    Trapped in the shade
    Where you can’t run,
    When he flew away
    You lost your sun.

    It got warm,
    And your heart seemed to melt.
    All those locked up emotions,
    All the failure you felt,
    Came flowing out of your pores,
    Like dripping honey.
    Now everything seems
    Drenched in funny.
    Five bucks
    For that necklace he bought you,
    Cheap b*****d, now I know
    That just won’t do.
    When you remember his
    Ugly mole,
    On the floor
    With hysterics you roll.
    Your crazed eyes
    Give it all away,
    All those unsaid words,
    All the things you didn’t say.
    He made you crazy,
    That stupid jerk.
    It seems the heat
    Just won’t work.

    You’re hot and cold,
    Is there no pause
    To this inconsistent scratching,
    From Misery’s claws?
    In the middle,
    You want to be warm,
    But the ice overwhelms
    And the flames swarm.
    Licking higher and higher,
    Till you can’t breathe.
    It makes your blood boil,
    With anger you seethe.
    Now he’s happy,
    A monster he made.
    The New Me shines,
    How did the Old Me fade?

    ~~Susannah Emeline