• 2/20/09 “Opposite Sides of You” By: Brandon K. McLemore

    Standing on the other side of this fence, this fence feels like the cold steel bars of a jail room door. I see you smile as you run and play. I call out your name but only a sence of my voice is unsure in your mind. Still I see as you see what is not me. I’m invisable to your eyes but it’s not your fault. You want to notice my shadow but the night sky decieves you. In the light you can hear my words but still I’m invisable. You look so beautiful in your light blue dress standing in the suns view. The water matches your eyes perfectly as does it compare to your bubblely personality. You’ve known many boys but only kissed one. So far away from you I am still hearing your voivce from the side of the fence. I feel the same cooling breeze from the wind as you. I feel the same warm rays from the sun as you. I feel the same gentle tickle from the grass as you. I am on a different side of this fence then you. Clouds start to close in while you still lay on the ground. I scream your name as my words blow through the air like ashes. The fence gets taller when I start to cry. Thunder sounds echo across this darkening valley untouched by society. One hand on your chest as the wind violently blows your hair. I climb the fence to the highest point while rain pours acroos the land. Lightning strikes as my heart stops I become paralized. One breath left screaming your name in exchange I now fall. I fall to the side of your side intp the darkness onto the cold ground now. I become visable in your eyes now. Dark, is the world with a numb feeling in my body. Your now moist eyes get sader as the rain drops form in them. Voice gets louder now screaming my own name. Grass is soaked with rain and your tears. Lying on your lap becoming a caring realization of what I have, kissing with all this passion still tears forming hidden by the drops from the sky. Rubbing the cheek so gentle with a hand, a hand that is not mine with a cheek that is. Opening eyse seeing love again yet still in much torment, excited with the presence of an angel caring for me with a tender touch. Whispering your name in exchange for the words I love you. It’s okay now, now that you know my existence. So careless with our lips caressing each others in more ways then one. In more ways then one we are able to say in love and on the same side of this fence that divided us once. In the rain we cuddle while I look into your eyes and find nothing but inocents. Wanting to stay stay like this forever in time, though only a memory that’s precious to us with that moment in mind. Holding you tight so that you never fall, saying that your mine and I’m yours always in in our hearts. Your clothes wet as mine are as well, body heat giving warmth for one an other and sensitive areas were fingers are guided to one antother. I ask top keep you as your self while love peirces my heart. You answer forever in the heavens dio us angels stay lovers. No longer am I on the opposite side of you. Now were together on the same side now lovers.