• I am beautiful on the inside and out razz
    I am Loving and Loyal
    I know I’m sarcastic occasionally but that’s me and
    I don’t know what to say
    I think I’m a Princess not a rich one that is spoiled
    But one who has a family that loves them and provides for them cool
    I know that I’m indolent I admit that
    I don’t like cleaning or labor
    However I do try to put my attempt to flourish rolleyes
    I love to read fiction books there very interesting to my liking
    Although I’m intelligent I want to find a way to apply to my it daily life
    My favorite colors are Pink, Red, and Yellow
    Pink symbolizes my beauty and love for everyone
    Red indicates my confidence and the heart that beats inside of me heart
    Yellow signifies my intelligence and happiness
    So know you know THE PERSON I AM