• through havens eye you a threat
    To be human is to have regret
    I'll slay my demons, just you see
    My heart, my soul will be set free
    I stone you as you done to jesus
    Your god alone works to appease us
    The pitch fork's ends impale your heart
    I am a new just like the start

    (Hawkbri responds)

    My strife are null to me
    God possess them as well as me
    Your witty rhetoric is no lead
    I walk tall, my head up high
    Your burnt remains and where they lie
    I conquered thee and mend thy soul
    Your wicked will cease no more
    Be gone hell's demon, my chariot awaits
    I float alone to haven's gate
    With welcomed wings and in God's hand
    I walk enriched through the times of sand.

    (HawkBri responds)

    God is indeed your mirror image
    None the less you wear his face
    I smell the fire from your skin
    You wreak of violence from within
    I see the hatred in you ears
    It burns the site of your disguise.
    You fake the plain of your grace
    You lust and yearn to take his place
    If heaven knows then so do I
    You wont go far until you die
    You can not laugh until you live
    You will not learn until you give
    You give your soul to God alone
    You'll see your image now has grown