• I pass you in the hall on my way to detention,
    you pass me in the hallway on the way to redemption.
    We bump shoulders and I sigh,
    because I'll never see the light that is your smile.
    You sweet, sweet, little Lamb.

    How the lion sighs , becuase the food chain is
    one ******** up thing.
    And how the crowd is waiting.
    They all want to sing.

    They tossed you in the pit,
    and waited for the show,
    but now that show will never come,
    because the lion fell in love,
    with the lamb.

    Songs of the story,
    how I whisked you away,
    From anything would hurt you,
    and end your charade.

    You masqurade as the tough one,
    but in truth it's all a lie.

    Because the lion sees through deception.
    The lion knows a lambs nearby.