• On that rainy day i sat at home and stared out the window
    I waited for my cosuin to come up the side walk
    But he never came many others did but he never came
    The rain kept coming down but he never came
    No one would tell me where he was or what was going on
    They told me wait he'll come but he never came
    That rainy day seemed to last for ever then he came
    The rain never stopped and i was glad for that
    Because since the rain didn't stop no one could tell how much i was crying
    He came home with many people around him
    He came home just so i could say goodbye
    He came home in a wooden box that he lays in today
    He came home never to look at me again
    My cousin came home and was surrounded by people who said he'll be alright
    He never has to suffer again but what about her
    They knew that the pain i felt that day would stay in my heart forever
    They knew that i would never forget that rainy day
    That day that they brought my cousin back after he had been shot in Iraq
    That rainy day lives on in me forever that rainy day will always be there
    Oh how i wish i had never had to say goodbye on that rainy day