• The Internet is my friend,
    it has a blueberry blend.
    Lots of websites float about,
    They all have a different route.
    Different acronyms swarm like a bee,
    like rofl,lol, and omg.
    my fingers are flying across the keyboard,
    Then my sister pulled the electrical cord. -w-
    On the internet you can search all things,
    like muffins, socks, and even chicken wings!~
    this search engine is called Google,
    It could even lead you to a new bugle.
    a site called you tube has lots of clips,
    You can even watch your cat doing flips!
    You can find out the latest news,
    just click on a link, and you can choose.
    Morning, noon, or night,
    You can find out if the weather is right.
    As you can see the internet is fun,
    but look for yourself my poem is done. [: