• eavesdroppers lurk,
    around every corner,
    every alley,
    every thought.

    my little voice,
    takes over,
    screams louder,
    listens closer.

    my wounds,
    grow deeper,
    bleed longer,
    heal scarred.

    my tears,
    flow freely,
    dry slowly,
    start faster.

    aka my little voice,
    always making wounds
    that force
    fresh tears
    into the open plain
    of my never dry cheek.

    Why can't it just shut up?
    i wonder,
    i ponder,
    i wish.

    why can't it let me do the thinking?
    yes it can,
    in private,

    it's so stubborn,
    won't leave me alone,
    won't shut up,
    won't let me think.

    i wish it would go away.
    and stop eavesdropping,
    stop hurting me,
    but . . .

    if it left . . .
    would i be happy?
    would i cry more?
    would i feel alone?

    if it left . . .
    would i wish it were back?
    for when it eavesdrops,
    it remembers things
    things that i don't.

    would i miss the little voice,
    that always eavesdrops?
    that always hurts me?
    that makes me cry?

    i would miss it's company
    and yes,
    i would miss it's commands
    and yes,
    i would miss the wet tears it let me cry.

    yes i would miss that little voice.