• The life I used to know is now gone.
    I have to start over.
    No one knows I am here, trapped.
    Crying, weeping.
    Looking at the moon,
    Far beyond the stars,
    empty space
    nothing but a waste of space.....
    nevermind the tears
    or the pain
    or the cuts....
    ill just stay in my box that ive created.
    I feel safe here, away from everyone.
    Im a ghost and im invisible just how i
    want to be. I will push you away anyway
    that i can. I dont want to be your friend
    i just want to be in my little box.
    I have to leave,.... now that mostly everyones gone.
    I will never see life the same way I had before.
    I now see life through blurred eyes.....
    Blackness now covers what used to be colored.....
    I will never be the same person i was, im too fragil to
    even give it a shot.
    so ill just float around thinking about nothing.
    My last breath is near ......im so happy, now i know whats gonna happen....finally