• Written by, Jeffrey Davis Kirby

    Envy of Life

    I feel no pain
    I breathe no air
    My hands are numb
    And my feet are bare

    My eyes are rotten
    My skin is pale
    My fingernails are black
    And my breath is stale

    My heart is ripped
    By the world around me
    The sight of me
    Would be astounding

    My feet are broken
    My wrists are cut
    Why can’t this world
    Be nice, and not rough

    My house is a wreck
    My pots are boiling over
    My sandwich is moldy
    And my food is leftovers

    My estate is to be sold
    My car has been towed
    My money is gone
    And my family turned cold

    The love of money
    I know had corrupted me
    As none of it’s with me
    I feel so unlucky

    To have to be here
    And not at my home
    To be in this hell
    I’m all alone

    I feel like my life
    Has left me for good
    My family, my friends
    They all want my goods

    I see now who I was
    And just what I’ve become
    If I could go back
    I would not be the same one

    The one who cursed
    The one who hated
    The one who loved money
    And the one that was hated

    I’ll never get another chance
    To do it again is all I wish
    My family, my friends
    I would teach them

    To love and be loved
    And not to love hatred
    To be kind and nice
    Not cruel and degraded

    That is my wish
    It’s for them to know
    Will you please tell them
    Whoever you are