• this life these people, who are they?
    i try to think back to a time when i was happy but nothing comes up.
    will i always be alone?
    will this world keep changing?
    will people stop and think i have feelings to you know.
    but sadly they wont.
    will i always feel so ugly?
    will i always feel disgusted with myself?
    i am ugly rite? i don't know any more.
    yeah a am.
    im also a fat a**.
    will i stop hating myself.
    when did i start hating myself?.
    but right now all i can feel is the pain pulsing from my left wrist.
    will i ever be normal?
    will people love me for myself?
    people are mean?
    does that make me mean also?
    am i being selfish for wanting to be somone else.
    who am i anymore?