• Dragging the dagger

    Slowly down my wrists

    Watching the blood well

    And slide down

    Keeping my screams

    Silent as possible

    But unable to bear the pain

    Unable to bear the memories

    Memories of love and laughter

    Run rampant through my head

    Causing the pain to hurt even more

    Causing my heart to constrict

    Carving an X over my heart

    So no one takes the rest

    To not bring me anymore pain

    Watching the blood fall to the floor

    Screaming out into the night

    Your name roaring through my head

    Why did you have to leave me?

    To let me feel this way without you...

    No more healing touch

    No more sunshine to fill my world.

    Darkness surrounds me.

    Gray is all I see...

    The painful memories become harder to bear

    Slicing my wrists raw till I nearly faint

    Screaming at the world for taking you away

    Why did you have to die....