• I used to be alone...
    Waitin for someone to get me out of tangeled mess of lonelyness
    Then i started talkin to you and it was like magic
    I didn't want to leave you..but i had, the day had to end...
    After that day i started to be careful...of everything i did and/or had
    My hair had to be perfect my outfits had to be "pleasing" and so much more
    Then i started to talk to you every day...it was like a every day thing
    I couldn't have a good day unless you were apart of it..
    Then one day...we started to talk over the phone...and then in a few minutes..
    I was yours ^_^ and you were mine...
    all I could do was smile...and talk to my friends
    now when I' m with my friends..your my favorite subject...
    They know so much about you because I tell them so much
    Because your just that amazing to me...you can say a couple words to me...
    And it feels like the whole world is in my hands. ^_^
    I dont know what I would do without you.
    I always have something to tell you to...of which you tell me too
    Something i find the need to tell you
    I love you...
    And i alwyas will <3