• What is it called?
    When the thought of someone sends you're head spinning?
    When you're stomach flips at every touch?
    When you relize you'll never feel this way again?
    When a few simple words will set you're heart raceing?
    When that persons name is the only one on you're mind?
    We call that love know answer me this:
    What is it called,
    When the one clostest to you isn't the one?
    When you're reminded of what you've done,
    and that makes you bathe in guilt?
    When you just want to get closer to them,
    But first you hurt others?
    When you know that whatever the out come,
    It will not be good?
    What is it called when the bridge you have to cross,
    comes speeding towards you when it's unwanted and you are lost?
    What is it called when crossing is inevitable and yet you'd give
    anything to slow time down?
    That is when the bridge is coming closer and you don't know
    how to make it to the other side in one peice