• Have you ever though of what you have been through now you never felt so depressed
    and in this crowd we are the ones who get knocked down
    stand above the crowd
    we hate our past the life we hoped is nothing like the world we are in
    we are the ones who stand above others and we are the x thats stands in the crowd
    like an ocean of nothing with only one little lonely fish hoping to see others yet waves knock you down
    push you over
    and make you fall
    you are so worried about the waves
    you don't even know you have others you become another wave
    another lonely fish gone
    this happens and time goes on more lonely fish
    and more waves continually coming and going
    except for one lonely oyster all the way at the bottom of the sea
    just waiting for one of the fish to meet her and take her to the surface
    or mabey they will see her beautiful soul the pearl the only thing she keeps going
    for yet no one comes she starts to lose hope as she just watched fish come and go
    a beautiful red fish yet come to the bottom to her and lifts her away past the water past the earth
    and the clouds and as she finally arrived she realized she had died of loneliness yet her
    soul her beautiful pearl gone forever now she is an empty shell nothing to live for as time went on she turned herself into a wave
    but yet her pearl was with her this whole time