• About LOVE:

    is like a BUTTERFLY.You can't chase it around all the time,you have to wait until it lands on your shoulder.

    is easy to remember,hard to forget and impossible to start over.

    is like PLAYING THE PIANO.You first know the rules and when you play finally,forget them and play by the heart.

    is like a FLOWER.It fully blooms for you.

    is MUSIC to everyone's ears.

    is your 2ND MIXED-UP LIFE.

    can't be thrown away so easily unless you're cold-hearted.

    is like the RAIN.It showers on everyone on occasion.


    ~Sometimes,you have to try not to care no matter how much you do.Because sometimes,you can mean nothing to someone who means everything to you.~

    *Every minute and every second of the day,I dream of you in the most special way,when you pass by I could fly*

    heart I don't want to run away but I can't take it.I don't understand if I am not made for you.Then why does my heart tell me that I am?Is there any way that I could stay in your heart? heart

    ~There are so many stars in heaven and do not think only a few will shine for you,you never know-- sometimes the one you ignore is the one that is willing to shine brightly for you forever~

    *True love does not come by finding the perfect person,but learning to see an imperfect person perfectly*

    heart Love the heart that hurts you,but never the heart that loves you heart

    ~Your the wind beneath my wings,the rainbow in my rain and the life to my soul~

    *It ain't a thing to be played with...I learned that the hard way sad *

    heart I never make it through the day without thinking of you heart

    ALWAYS- Love the person you hurt because they love you back.

    NEVER-Kill its spirit in other people.

    OCCASIONALLY-Let it out to others.

    SOMETIMES-Seek it with hope everyday.

    *I never liked you,I loved you.
    You never cross my mind because you're always on my mind.
    I never take glances at you because I see you fully.
    I don't think you're cute but beautiful.
    I rather risk my life because you're my life.

    heart ABOUT HEART:

    is like GLASS.Hard to make,easy to break.

    is like a ROSARY.It's always full of mysteries.

    is like a PUZZLE.You have to put all of the pieces together to know the picture.