• The ominous clouds patronizing thy weary heart,
    The tyrant twisted the sorrowful twine which hard-spun away,
    The question in which was why had we part,
    These watery eyes still see through the disdained day,
    Tis the crushed flower does thy heart feel to me,
    The crusade with in which reviled the melificent to the,
    The poisons thorns tore through the fabrics colorful beautiful scene,
    The journeys roads separated you from me forever,
    The cross roads dispersed in two distanced barren clashing roads,
    The crimson collard fingers clenched the beautiful melancholy feather,
    The pink cherry blossoms turn in to as with in this episode,
    The play of my life tis about the end now,
    The theater darkens leaving the lost unwanted lonely woe,