We lie in the grass, face to the full moon.
Wishing on stars for silly things.
Making jokes out of life, but that's just us.
That's just what we do and I dont plan to argue when I'm happy like this.
because it's not all that often that I'm happy like this.
In the middle of a meator shower like dancing in summer rain.
They glint and they glimmer, the Sky is wearing diamonds.
Hey sky... Dear Midnight Sky... will you share a few diamonds with us?
It's just 3 hours entill sunrise, we are still starring up at the fading moon.
Could we fade away too?
I bet we could too.
But right here, Right now...
I dont wanna go anywhere. I wanna stay here.
Because it's not all that often that i'm HAPPY LIKE THIS.
In the middle of a meator shower like dancing in summer rain.
They glint and they glimmer, the Sky is wearing diamonds.
Hey sky... Dear Midnight Sky... will you share a few diamonds with us?
It's morning now, we lay in this dew coverd feild.
The sun has risen now, painting the sky in blue and white.
Those sparkling diamonds replaced by jet-streams in the sky.
Those sparkling diamonds replaced by jet-streams in the sky.
Well you can keep your diamonds and we dont want those jet-streams in the sky.
If those people up there in their big black planes took the time to look down...
Just who would they see but you and me...
Sitting in a feild, face to the sky and i'm really surprised...
oh i'm really surprised that i'm happy like this.
oh, i'm still happy like this.
This is a song i came up with in my spair time! ^^ I hope you guys like it and please repspect me by not stealing it. it would be very kind of you. i will soon submit this on my art account on deavintart.
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