• From a Crawling infant on all fours just grasping onto the hands of cruel life. When in danger, all an infant can do is scream and cry for aid. If its cries for help are answered, then the Infant is safely out out of harms way. But if they are not answered, then the Infants grasp to life will be a short one. Such is the Cruel game of Fate, It is nothing more than a sick, twisted measurement of human emotions and ideas molded together by religions and forms of misleading science...

    To the man standing so proudly before the worlds face and saying, "You are in my way". Fate has but little control over a man that knows little about the world itself. It is common sense that stops him from attempting to reach for goals he thinks are out of reach. Such sad feelings and memories are collected here by this time of age, it is everything that all men seek that leads to their death. But, if they do not take the risk, how will they ever find their true limits? All they need to know, is that there is no place in Heaven, or Hell for such childish behavior...

    Preparing for the Wise, Old man on his walking stick, waiting for deaths cold embrace to engulf him in the infinite blanket of solitude called Death. By this time, men do not fear or even care if death is knocking on their doorstep. They have lived a life that they feel is worth its values and they alone can decide from then if they want to continue living. But death is patient, it will lurk in the shadowy corners of a mans mind for as long as it takes. As we wait for Deaths' Sweet Embrace, let all others know that, you are you, and that you have made it through the cruel, sick & twisted game of Life, which they have failed to do...