• Screw love songs,
    I want to write about a tree.
    (And how it grew between you and me.)

    Jaded leaves,
    Oh so dark and serene.
    (In my nightmares, I hear you scream.)

    Branches twist,
    All brown and mysterious.
    (When it ended, why was I so delirious?)

    Birds a-singing,
    If only crows could sing.
    (We used to tell each other everything.)

    Sun a-fire,
    Through the branches so bright.
    (Your tears so real, after every fight.)

    In the wind,
    The tree begins to slowly sway.
    (Despite the hate, I wanted you to stay.)

    And the surrounding grass was soft.
    (Reminding me gently, of the things that I lost.)

    Autumn came,
    And those leaves began to burn.
    (Through it all, I hoped you'd return.)