• As Black As The Night Sky Part 1

    Dark and eerie, soundless words...
    coming from the rigt, black as midnight...
    Weapons hanging from trees, blowing in the wind...
    Clatter and cold, might be this night...
    Dark shadows, flow through the night.

    Whisper, whisper don't wake the master...
    His soundless cries, dry as the sahara dessert...
    Sharp as a newly cut blades, do not wonder...
    One screech, will slice your ears.

    As black as the night sky, we cannot see...
    darkness all around, surrounding me...
    planning to trap me, it may seem...
    I saw the master, coming after me...
    Running, running, nowhere to run...
    I cannot see, as black as the night sky, may be.

    I heard his scream, my ears are shot...
    blood comes from my ears, my face is wet...
    I screamed, with all my might...
    I opened my eyes, I was on a bed...
    In a hospital bed, I was in...
    I realized, I was dreaming...
    Dreaming the master, as black as the night sky...
    To the corner, was my master in my dream...
    He smirked at me... was it a dream?