• Am I losing you?
    Am I really losing you again?
    I wanted to talk to you
    Cause I needed to talk to you about something
    Because you make it all better
    But instead you talked…for a while
    Then you went and talked to your ex, not replying to me.
    Am I losing you?

    I thought I could talk to you because you said you would
    But was I wrong to think that?
    Should I just no think that everyday when I get home I can talk to you?
    Should I think that “oh well I may get to talk to you?”
    I don’t think I can

    If you don’t want to talk to me then just say so
    I wouldn’t mind
    Just say you want to talk to your friends instead
    I wouldn’t mind
    Seriously I wouldn’t

    Am I losing you to her again?
    You said you love m and only me
    Are you starting with the 24/7 of “I love you’s” because you are cheating?
    Just tell me what is going on.
    Because I’m slowly starting to lose faith in you…

    Should I just go?
    Leave you
    Like I should have the first time?
    Was I so foolish to go back to you?
    I thought you weren’t going to do this again…ever…
    But was I wrong to think that?

    I don’t want to leave you
    But I can’t take much more of this….
    I can’t take much more of my heart sinking

    Am I over reacting?
    Or did I hit this right on?
    Cause a few weeks before this all started to happen…
    I saw destruction in a dream…
    I was confused at first
    Till now…
    I think that was a sign…
    Saying that we may love each other…
    But we can’t be together…

    Maybe he was right…
    Maybe Jay was right about how you are a jerk and all…
    Should I have stayed with Jay?
    I think I should have…
    I know he wouldn’t do this to me…

    Am I just being jealous?
    I just want to know…
    I should bring it up with you…
    But I’m afraid if I do…
    I will lose you…
    I am afraid you will think I’m too paranoid
    And break up with me…

    Just one thing…
    If you read this…tell me right away about how you stand..
    If I’m right…
    Or if I’m ten thousand miles off…