• I get so amused easily
    I call myself a dork
    You say I’m not

    You say that I am cute when I am amused
    I blush
    “Aww the first blush of the night”
    And I blush more
    I look down at the ground
    And you lift my chin and kiss me

    When I’m cold
    You wrap your arms around me
    I lay my head on your chest and you kiss my head.

    Then you go on about how beautiful I am
    My brown hair,
    My face, my voice, my eyes, and all I do is listen
    Listen to how you describe me

    Then I try and come up with something
    But I can’t
    I wish I can
    But I can’t
    I do want you to know
    That even tough I can’t come up with something
    I love you to death

    I’m writing this in pure love
    So every time you say something cute about me and I can’t reply
    Think of this poem
    The poem of love^^