• As it flutters
    I see it's bright colors
    And it loops
    With wings so delicate
    And beautiful
    That it doesn't look like a bug

    Although it is a bug
    When it flutters
    It's so magnificently beautiful
    That the colors
    Look delicate
    While it loops

    It wears loops
    And is the envy of other bugs
    That wish their wings were delicate
    I see it flutter
    With warm colors
    So beautiful

    I wish the world was as beautiful
    As it loops with sun-kissed colors
    And the jealous bugs
    Imitate the flutters
    Of the one that's delicate

    As if dancing a delicate
    Dance through the beautiful
    Air while it flutters
    It does a loops
    That is the eye of every bug
    In every color

    In a rush of colors
    The one-so-delicate
    Apparent bug
    Zips into a beautiful
    Set of loops
    As away it flutters

    And as it flutters
    I see the blurred colors
    In the loops
    Of the delicate