• You stand there, right in front of me.
    You tell me that you don't know what, to do.
    You give me the choice, to stay here or leave.
    You tell me that the choice is mine.

    But I'm cryin',
    I'm screamin',
    I'm shouting at you.

    I keep tellin' you that
    I don't want, to choose.
    But what do you do-?

    (Slight speed up in tempo)

    The years go by,
    and I have grown.
    And I now know,
    That I was wrong.

    I should have left,
    I shouldn't have looked back.
    I should never have seen the tears.

    But when I did,
    you just asked me again.
    You asked me to choose.

    I'm cryin',
    I'm screamin',
    I'm shouting at you.

    I keep telling you
    that I don't want,
    to choose.

    But what do you do-?

    You stare at me.
    You glance at me.
    You finally,
    give me the ball.

    And I now know.
    That I was wrong.
    And that I should
    Have left, long ago...

    (About three measures of piano)

    (Tempo slows down)

    So now I see,
    as I stand in the rain.
    That you were scared,
    Just...like me...

    But what can I do?
    When all you did,

    Was stare?