• It hurts her
    When she sees them cry
    And no one understand why.

    They'd shove her around
    Push her down.
    But still, her soul remands like a angels dream.
    Soft and quiet, gentle and clean, she really should be a queen.

    Though she can't because no one sees past her devilish eyes
    And they believe making her die on the inside makes their pride rise.
    She doesn't care what they say
    She doesn't care when they make her 'pay.'

    It still hurt her to see anyone cry
    Truthfully, that what really makes her die
    At least on the inside.

    One day they went to far
    Thanks to her devilish eyes, that seemed to burn like stars.
    They took her to a river, had her throw the stone
    When she was taken under water, everyone seemed to stare like clones.

    Seconds pasted by
    No one moved, and nobody could say why.
    The little girl with devilish eyes
    And a soul worthy to prize
    Drowned in a river since they thought her evil because of devilish eyes.

    Soon everyone started to cry
    They regretted the action, and stared at the sky.
    Something suddenly erupted from the water
    With wings like they belong to God's daughter.

    Crystal white, big strong strokes
    the little girl floated there with a gentle smile that surprised the town folks.
    With a quick wave and a quiet 'Thank you'.
    The girl rushed into the sky blond hair waving as she flew out of view.

    But then the ground began to shake
    Screams filled the air and buildings started to break!
    Fires started out, and no one would stand still
    Then blood started to spill
    And a person yelled
    "She's sending us to Hell!"