• I saw them
    The little girl
    Blonde hair
    Oddly pale
    And the most weird thing
    Her eyes
    Are they gold?
    I thought to myself
    And then I saw her brother
    I slipped into his gaze
    He walked over to me
    So gracefully
    He touched my hand
    I couldnt move
    I was
    And mostly amazed
    By how beautiful he was
    His voice had a musical pitch to it
    How did he know my name?
    "How do.. Do you know my name?"
    My voice broke and that was embrassing
    "It says it on your name tag.."
    He stopped to touch my name tag
    That was taped to my shirt
    I shivered
    His touch was icy
    He smiled
    I was deffinatly
    Horror striken