• Happy pills on window sills,
    No light shining through
    Something only the sun can do
    The rain falls down
    On your satin gown
    As you stand outside
    Arms spread out wide
    Feeling the cold on your face
    While thinking of an empty vase
    To fill with dark red roses
    That grow in so many poses
    Your tears mix with the rain
    To hide all of your pain
    And all that crosses your mind
    Is that you hope that someone kind
    Will find you here tonight
    To take away your fright
    Your fear of an empty life
    That slices like a knife
    Through your unknown heart
    And tears you apart
    Into many tiny pieces
    That just never ceases
    But that someone will come
    And put you back together
    Changing the weather
    So the sun will finally shine.