• Sitting there
    in the dark
    The candle light
    Nothing but a spark

    It barely glows
    In the murky air
    By her unsettling stare

    Her eyes locked
    Upon the flame
    As if the flicker
    Is all a game

    It blazes up
    Then flashes down
    Her daunting frown

    It fades again
    The wind blows through
    The tiny flame’s hue

    The girl now blind
    Reacts so quick
    Her fingers graze
    The still hot wick

    She screams in shock
    Jumps to her feet
    And cries about
    The fire’s heat

    She frantically
    Searches the room
    For a source of light
    To end this gloom

    But she’ll never find
    Such a light
    That will end her pain
    As well as night

    She’s forever trapped
    In her own sorrow
    She can only pray
    For the sun tomorrow