• You made me cry
    And I don't know why
    What did I do to you
    To make you hate me this much

    I never hurt you
    Or said anything bad
    I was always nice
    No matter what
    Even when I wanted to scream

    I made you laugh
    When all you wanted to do
    was drown in your sorrow
    You thanked me for it

    I helped you through it all
    When your boyfriend broke your heart
    When your Grandma died
    And when you cut your wrists

    I don't know why
    You hate me so much
    I don't know what I did
    To make you feel this way

    I know you don't like me
    And swear that
    You'll never be my friend again
    Even though you say it again and again
    I'll always be here for you

    Whenever you need me
    I'll be here
    Waiting for your call