• As i look up at the sky
    i feel all alone
    are you coming yet? i thought
    i started to moan

    i waited for hours
    why arent you here?
    i thought this would be special
    but i didnt see you near.

    i could hardly see anything
    for it was so black
    but then i heard footsteps
    you came back

    you came next to me
    and held my hand
    the stars were beautiful
    so we wanted to stand

    the shooting came by again
    i looked at you and you at me
    we kissed each other lovingly
    we knew forever we will be

    as we broke up the kiss
    you went down on one knee
    you got a ring out your pocket
    and said 'will you marry me?'

    tears came from my eyes
    i looked like a mess
    cos my make up did smudge
    but then i said 'yes!'