• I'm feeling dead inside.
    No one cares anymore,
    so why should I care?
    No one knows who I am,
    and I don't know anyone anymore.
    All the people I trusted have betrayed me...
    All the people I loved have left me..
    I don't know what to do,
    all I know is that I'm alone,
    with no one by my side.

    I'm feeling dead inside.
    I'm always a disappointment.
    Everything I've done is a mistake.
    Everything I've said is wrong.
    I can't do anything right.
    I can't ever say the right things.
    But it wouldn't even matter,
    cause there's no one who'd care.
    No one who'd listen.
    No one at all...

    I'm feeling dead inside,
    but I always seem okay on the outside,
    but that's only cause I know what would happen.
    If I revealed these thoughts of mine,
    people would think that I'm crazy or insane.
    It'd only get worse.
    No one would understand me anyway.
    How can they know this pain of mine?
    The pain of being alone and forever in the dark,
    never healing, only dying.

    I'm feeling dead inside.
    No matter how hard I try,
    I still feel dead.
    If I'm so dead, then why am I alive?
    Why does my heart still beat?
    Why do I still breathe?
    Why, why, why?

    I'm feeling dead inside...
    I'm all alone...
    Always in pain...
    So why doesn't it all end?
    Why doesn't somebody just end it already?
    This pain is too much,
    the pain of being alone in the dark,
    forever surrounded by darkness...
    I'm not looking for a light,
    cause I know its too late for me,
    but I'm looking for someone who will join me in the dark.
    Someone who will understand what this pain is...
    Someone who will stay by my side...

    I'm feeling dead inside!
    Why am I still here?
    Living a life of lies?
    Smiling and laughing,
    when I'm crying and dying on the inside?!
    No one wants to stay in the dark!
    No one wants to stay by my side...
    No one wants me...
    Everyone is staying in the light that I can't see.
    The light that I've learned to hate...
    The only one who'll ever join me in the dark is Death itself...

    I'm feeling dead inside.
    I'm tired of pretending, wishing, hoping, and dreaming.
    I know I'm dead on the inside.
    I'll always be dead...
    So why should I suffer anymore?
    Life is for the living,
    not the dead and dying...
    So Death, here I come,
    into your warm embrace,
    the only one who'll ever understand,
    for who else would care?