• When I was with you,
    I felt safe, understood.
    I never even thought of love.
    It was the farthest thing from my mind,
    Because I knew it would ruin us.
    When I thought you knew we were nothing more than best friends,
    I showed how much I missed hearing your advice.
    But apparently,
    I shouldn't have trusted you.
    I shouldn't have thought you would have understood.
    I cannot be trusted.
    Apparently I always am in love with you,
    And always will be.
    I see now.
    You never trusted me,
    Never believed I could stop loving you.
    My heart was unprotected when you shot it,
    And now I'm an empty shell.
    Face stained with heart broken tears,
    I swore never again to trust you,
    Or anyone else.
    I began alone,
    And when I met you,
    I thought it was all over.
    I thought I had a REAL friend in you.
    Well guess what?
    I thought wrong.
    Now, because of your senselessness,
    I'm re-alone.