• Stuck here all alone
    Bound to this spot
    I wish I could escape
    But that's just not my fate.

    The chains that bind me here
    Drive deep into my sole
    I try desperately to loosen them
    But I am destined to fail.

    My deepest desire
    Is to break out,
    To be free
    But I know
    This will never happen
    To somebody like me.

    Bound here by my capturers,
    Who I rude and detest,
    They're the reason why
    My life is such a mess.

    I never knew a kindness
    Or a gentle touch,
    All I got was brutish force
    To keep me in my place.

    I will never know the feeling
    Of being truly free
    I wish someone would come
    To rescue me.

    He came once upon a time
    He came only for me
    But he was detected
    And banished by my capturers.

    So I sit here all alone
    Wishing to be free
    And remembering the only one
    Who really cared for me.