• Darkness to light;
    Light to Darkness;
    Here I stand full of nothing;
    Having my nighmares come true;
    Scary as hell in my basement;
    No one is hearing me scream;
    Please some one help me before it's too late;
    Creppy Crawlers climb on me;
    Eating away my skin and flesh;
    Here comes a man down these stairs;
    You are mine now the man said;
    And started to take control;
    I never came out of the basement;
    He abused me everyday and every night;
    Here it is haunting me again;
    It was like it was real;
    Thankfully it wasn't;
    I am safe now I hope;
    Empty Spaces were here;
    Now lies secrets and lies in these walls;
    Gun shots and stabbing you will never make it out alive;
    My last words to myself was I'll see you in hell;
    Now lies are between those walls waiting to be found..