• You think you know me.
    You think you my life is cake and pie.
    But you only see the mansion I live in
    And how much money I have.
    You don't get why I'm emo.
    Kids in school think I'm a freak.
    Other kids think I have it made.
    No one knows the real me.
    My life is ashes.
    My father beats me.
    My mother thinks I'm a disappointment.
    I'm a cutter.
    I bleed to feel alive.
    I write songs to get out my emotions.
    I blast music so no one hears me scream.
    My family ignores me.
    I live in a intolerant world.
    Everywhere I walk, I get dirty looks.
    I hate myself to no end.
    I feel numb all the time.
    My father rapes me.
    My mother burns me with her cigarettes.
    I hide in a corner in my room.
    I cry myself to sleep every night.
    All I want is a friend who understands me.
    So yeah, you think you know me.
    You think I have it made.
    This is my confession.
    My confession of how I really live.