• I can hear them again
    The voices in my head
    Telling me
    Wishing me,screaming at me,
    "I wish you would die
    I wish you were dead!"

    I battle these voices every single day
    They battle back in the wost possible way
    They demean,ridicule and call me names to me
    They tell me to kill and "Enjoy it!" harshly

    I whisper and wish they wold stop
    It hurts
    It hurts so much

    I can hear them laughing the voices again
    Now they tell me to kill my friend

    I'll stay fighting
    I'm fighting now
    I won't give up
    I won't back down

    "I'll beat the voices
    If it's the last thing I do!"
    I whisper and wish

    I've got to keep fighting
    I can' back down
    If it;s the last thing I do
    I'll keep fighting for ME and....
    The safety of YOU evil