• Skinny legs and bigger breasts
    Is all they want to see
    Tiny waist and thinner arms
    The opposite of me
    The pressure to be perfect
    Is slowly closing in
    An utter suffocation
    That doesn't seem to end
    Society is telling me
    Beautiful is thin
    And if i choose to starve myself
    Perfections what i win
    Shoving something down my throat
    Will get me what i want
    Bring me closer to my goal
    Of a body i can flaunt
    Society is telling me
    Beauty is a prize
    Measured in the size of your breasts
    In weight and clothing size
    But let me tell you here and now
    No good will come from that
    It seems ok at first
    But soon becomes a trap
    A disease that clouds the mind
    And you believe what is untrue
    That you're never good enough
    No matter what you do
    There is one beauty that i know
    And it's the greatest prize of all
    It's learning to except yourself
    Imperfections, flaws and all
    The beauty that really matters
    Lies in our heart, our soul, our core
    Because when you love what's inside
    You love what's outside even more