• "I'm not usless," I utter as I crutch my way pass the door.
    I fell yesterday and landed on my ankle as I hit the cold, hard floor.

    It hurts yes, but my pride is even damaged more.
    Now as I make my way, my muscles in some places are tender and in others very sore.

    Rubbing against rubber is not very fun.
    Oh, how I wish I could only go out and run.

    But now I am constrained.
    And at times I am almost even drained.

    I often think of how this accident even happened and I am met with a sense of dread.
    If only l had slowed down, even just a thread.
    Maybe just maybe this accident would have never happened.

    But I know this could never do.
    Because God has a plan and I will follow through.

    Now some see me as a burden, others as a pain.
    All because I limp around with a very bad sprain.

    I hear them as they call me names.
    And often make sport of my new found pain.

    Some call me "limpy."
    Others call me "gimpy."

    I want to cry out in pain with a very loud blurt.
    If only they could see how much their words really hurt.

    But I will not cry nor will I give in.
    For if I do I know they will surely win.

    That is why with a smile I make them grow in spite.
    And with this smile I even try to hide my almost damaged pride.

    I may not know how long it will take to heal.
    So in the mean time I'll just have to wait and I will just have to deal.

    I know the pain may hurt but that will soon go.
    And from this little accident I will become stronger, yes I know.

    It may take months or even more.
    But I'll never give up because in the end I will surely soar.

    I know I am not useless because this is God's plan.
    And He knows my life like the palm of his hand.